Généalogie acadienne

Art (Joseph Arthur) Daigle

ID : I363088 Male

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Résidence Saint-Jean en 2009

Art worked at Air Canada for 38 years and after his retirement lived in Brookville, NS for many years before he moved to Saint John to live with his niece Joan (Blair) LeBlanc. After failing health he lived at the Loch Lomond Villa. Art love

d to work with his hands making mats, woodworking and making boats out of cardboard which won him awards at the Saint John Exhibition three years in a row. He also made love knots out of paper which he gave away and are treasured in many part

s of the world. Art loved to play cards, amongst his favourites were crib, 45s and crazy eights.

Art (Joseph Arthur) Daigle
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1. Daigle, Vincent I363081 Male

Goguen, Mary I363082 Female
Type : Mariés

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Art (Joseph Arthur) Daigle
I363088 Male
