Généalogie acadienne

Raymond Joseph Thibodeau

ID : I372290 Male

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He worked since 1970 at St. Anne Pulp and Paper in Nackawic, retiring in ten years ago. Ray had been a member of Granite Lodge #54 and an active member and a Past President of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 27. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, curl

ing and golfing in his earlier years but his favorite hobby was his flower garden.

Raymond Joseph Thibodeau
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1. Thibodeau, Arthur Willliam I372288 Male

Haché, Catherine Marie Sarah I372289 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Robichaud, Elva I372291 Female
ID : F157491
Type :
Enfants : 5
Thibodeau, Bernard dit Bernie I372294 Male
Thibodeau, Randal I372295 Male
Thibodeau, Christine I372296 Female
Thibodeau, Richard dit Rick I372292 Male
Thibodeau, Stacy I372298 Female

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