Généalogie acadienne

Émile Joseph Belliveau

ID : I378697 Male

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In April 1940, at the age of 16, he joined his father in the employ of the auto body repair shop of Tantramar Motors in Amherst, where later in the 1940s they were joined by his brother Gerald and after, in the early 1950s, by his brother Lucien

. All four became mainstays with Tantramar, to their retirements. Emile retired as body shop foreman on Christmas Eve 1987, after almost 48 years of faithful service. He married his wife Florence, a native of Dorchester, New Brunswick, in 1943, th

ey having celebrated their 71st wedding anniversary this past June 15th, with their family. Florence and Emile spent many happy years together doing all the things they loved to do—camping in their travel trailer; picking strawberries, blueberrie

s and cranberries in season; playing cards; and, most importantly, visiting with family and attending family functions. To Florence and Emile, their family was everything. Emile was a faithful adherent of St Charles Church which, in recent years

, has become part of Holy Family Parish. Also, he was a member of the Knights of Columbus and, perhaps, his most cherished possession was his Knights of Columbus ring. He also enjoyed woodworking, gardening, and reading. (Times & Transceipt)

Émile Joseph Belliveau
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1. Belliveau, William Willie dit Guillaume I378682 Male

Auffrey, Mary Élise I378683 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. LeBlanc, Florence Émma I378698 Female
ID : F160407
Type :
Enfants : 9
Résidence familiale : Amherst, N.-É., en 2009 et en 2010

Belliveau, Anonyme I612549 Male
Belliveau, Anita I45419 Female
Belliveau, Peter I612545 Male
Belliveau, Irène I612550 Female
Belliveau, Ann I612541 Female
Belliveau, Paul I612546 Male
Belliveau, Louise I612542 Female
Belliveau, Anonyme I612548 Female
Belliveau, Phyllis I612543 Female

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P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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