Généalogie acadienne

Patrick Gaudet

ID : I383209 Male

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Pat worked for Atlantic Wholesalers in various positions from salesman to manager for over 30 years before his retirement in 1987. He attended St. Thomas Apostle Roman Catholic Church, Red Bank where he spent many years serving on Parish Council

, RCIA, and working with Religious Education. He was a founding member of the Sunny Corner Lions Club, as well as the Knights of Columbus, he was also a member of Islandview Senior Citizens and St. Thomas Choir. He was well known for his musica

l talent, which he loved to share with everyone. He was especially active in participating in benefit shows for persons in need. Pat was inducted into the Miramichi Country Music Hall of Fame this year.


1. Gaudet, Carrie I383211 Male

Muise, Carolyn I383210 Female
Type : Mariés


1. McKenzie, Lauretta I383208 Female
ID : F162483
Type : Mariés
Enfants : 0

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P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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Patrick Gaudet
I383209 Male
