Clarisse continuait sa tradition d'écrire de longues lettres et cartes de Noël, par exemple, bien avant l'arrivée de «texting». Si la carrière militaire de Huntley exigeait qu'on déménageait ici et là à travers le Canada, Clarisse et Huntley resta ient en contact avec leur famille et leurs amis. II est remarquable tout le temps que Clarisse a dévoué au groupe «Catholic Womens League», où elle a servi en tant que présidente à trois reprises dans trois provinces. Cest pourquoi elle a méri té une médaille pour ses 50 ans de service au sein de l'organisme. Dans ses années de retraite, après la vie active militaire, le couple fit un voyage en Alaska et passa 19 hivers en Floride, où elle restait active dans la vie de cette communau té-là aussi. Clarisse was so devoted to her family - both immediate and extended that she faithfully kept ties with, through her long handwritten letters (long before texting), even while moving several times across the continent when Huntley's Air Force care er took them from Nova Scotia to Ontario to Prince Edward Island to British Columbia and back to New Brunswick. Birthdays and other celebrations were never missed; in fact she and Huntley still sent out over 100 Christmas cards last year. Someho w Clarisse also found time to devote time and energy to charitable works such as the Red Cross, Meals-on-wheels, and especially, the Catholic Women's League of which she was local president numerous times in various locations and from whom she rec eived the coveted 50-year pin. In retirement, she and Huntley pursued their passion for travel including an Alaskan cruise. She continued hobbies like gardening, knitting, quilting and square-dancing as well. And during their 19 winters in Florida , she was very active in their Pine Ridge community and at the Church of the Resurrection. |