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Ernest Albert dit Ernie Hachey
ID : I395580
Cette personne est décédée il y a moins de 250 ans. Pour voir cette fiche, abonnez-vous au compte Premium!
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Naissance |
Décès |
Crémation |
Note |
Ernie worked as a plumber/pipefitter and retired in 2002 from the Provincial Government. He had a great passion for the game of hockey, was a faithful Montreal Canadiens fan,..and especially enjoyed his years playing with the Barker's Point Oldti mers. Ernie was a wonderful family man and since his retirement he has taken great pleasure in following his grandchildren in their sporting activities. He loved the outdoors, the yearly trips to the hunting camp and always enjoyed engagin g in long chats with friends. |
1. |
MacFarlane, Judy
ID : F176209
Type : |
Mariés |
Enfants : |
2 |
Résidence familiale : |
Fredericton en 2010 et en 2012 |
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Adopté |
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Adopté par le père |
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Adopté par la mère |
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Parent nourricier |
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Parent par alliance |
V |
Individu vivant |
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Ernest Albert dit Ernie Hachey