Généalogie acadienne

Émile J. Pitre

ID : I405038 Male

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Emile was an avid hockey player and played until the age of 85 when he played against the Flying Fathers. He played Center on the teams and won 4 Maritime Championships with the Bathurst Papermakers. He is in the Sports Hall of fame as a team mem

ber and as an individual member.

He was an avid tennis and table tennis player and continued to play way beyond his 80's.

Emile was an employee of Consolidated Bathurst Inc for over 31 years. He was a member of the Herman J. Good V.C.Branch No.18 Royal Canadian Legion.

To call Emile Pitre one of the finest citizen of Bathurst is no exag- eration. His contributions to the City are numerous: The Fred Pitre Memorial Skateboard Park, Coronation Park, S.P.C.A., the Legion, the Heritage Museum, scholarships to student

s at BHS and ESN, and special students at the University level who needed his help.

He loved Bathurst and was so proud to be living in this wonderful, beautiful City. He became Freeman of the City of Bathurst 3 years ago.

Émile J. Pitre
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1. Pitre, Jean dit John I74508 Male

Léger, Eugénie Sophie I82275 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. , Hermina I405039 Female
ID : F180985
Type :
Enfants : 2

Pitre, Fred I405040 Male
Pitre, Adrian I405041 Male

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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