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Effie Agnès Morrissey
ID : I407346
Cette personne est décédée il y a moins de 250 ans. Pour voir cette fiche, abonnez-vous au compte Premium!
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During most of her adult life, she lived in Gagetown and also resided in Grand Falls, Saint John and Oromocto. Having grown up on a potato farm, she learned the meaning of hard work and had a strong character. She will be remembered by her famil y and community as a survivor and a resilient individual who raised a large family during the depression. She was an excellent seamstress, knitter, quilt maker and a wonderful cook. Effie was employed as a custodian at the Gagetown School. She wa s a devote Catholic, a member of St. Bridget's Catholic Church, the CWL, the 55+ Club and an ardent volunteer who gave to her community incessantly. |
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Effie Agnès Morrissey