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Raymond Lacombe
ID : I417802
Cette personne est décédée il y a moins de 250 ans. Pour voir cette fiche, abonnez-vous au compte Premium!
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Note |
A graduate of St. Thomas University in Chatham and the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, he taught for five years in New Brunswick including four years at Cormier High School in Edmundston. He left his hometown to move to the Quebec Nort h Shore where he held several administrative posts, first as school principal of Our Lady's High School in Seven Islands (Sept-?es), then as pedagogical director for the Gulf Regional School Board (Commission scolaire r?ionale du Golf) which serve d the cities of Sept-Iles, Port Cartier and Schefferville. He completed his stay on the North Shore as director of English and French high schools in Port-Cartier. In 1970 he relocated to Vaudreuil where he was director of schools until his retire ment in 1988. He was a member of the Quebec Association of Retired School Principals (AQDER). Ray Lacombe was a dedicated and caring teacher with great esteem for his pupils, respected, and respectful of his colleagues opinions and suggestions. |
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Raymond Lacombe