Généalogie acadienne

Raoul Thériault

ID : I426766 Male

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Raoul worked many years as a Laborer at the Saint John Shipyard, and was a valued employee. He was known best to everyone for his lifelong devotion to hockey- both ball and ice- and his loyalty to his teams; particularly the Montreal Canadiens an

d he was the #1 fan of the Marrtown Baseball team. Raoul was a lover of the outdoors and spent a lot of time fishing and hunting. His brother-in-law and special friend Eddie Cook will fondly remember the years they spent together at the "Cook Camp

" on Sand Brook Road. Raoul was a kind and gentle man, who worked tirelessly for the kids. He spent many hours fundraising and helping children, was a Friend of Bill W., and he spearheaded the creation of the Latimore Lake playground.

Raoul Thériault
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1. Thériault, Richard I111340 Male

Doiron, Délia I268233 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Rowe, Catherine dit Cathy I426767 Female
ID : F192101
Type :
Enfants : 1
Résidence familiale : Saint-Jean en 2010

Thériault, Ian I496824 Male

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P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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