Généalogie acadienne

Léo Henry Cormier

ID : I430476 Male

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Leo was involved in the meat and grocery business for over 50 years, first working in St. George before relocating as a meat manager to stores in Moncton and Grand Falls. He operated his own meat and grocery business in Grand Falls for over 40 yea

rs and took much pride in the quality of his merchandise and customer service. He served on the Grand Falls town council for a number of years, and was a life member of the Knights of Columbus.

Leo was a strong family man and took great pleasure in family picnics and outings with his children, sharing his love of ice skating and swimming. He was a voracious reader and loved to discuss and debate ideas, placing great emphasis on the valu

e of a good education -- his penmanship was second to none. In his later years, he looked forward to visits with his grandchildren and great-grandchildren who always brought a smile to his face.

Léo Henry Cormier
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1. Cormier, Léonide I286280 Male

Melanson, Cordilla Claudia I286281 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Baker, Hilda I430477 Female
ID : F193945
Type :
Enfants : 6

Cormier, Ron I430484 Male
Cormier, Cheryl I430478 Female
Cormier, Robert I430486 Male
Cormier, Margaret Dukes I430480 Female
Cormier, Joseph Joe I430488 Male
Cormier, Jim I430482 Male

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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