Généalogie acadienne

Irène Bourgeois

ID : I430600 Female

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t an early age, Irene was employed by the late Mayor J. Fred and Maude Edgett to manage their domestic affairs at 26 Austin St. Moncton, a position she held for over 30 years with loyalty and dedication. Later, she worked at the Moncton City Hospi

tal enjoying the care she gave in the pediatric unit. In her retirement she lived for many years on Weldon St. and could be seen on her daily walks in the Victoria Park area and to downtown. In March 2004, Irene became a resident of Moncton Kinsme

n House where she enjoyed over 6 years of companionship and care with fellow residents and staff prior to her move to Shediac. Irene's interests included cooking, sewing, skating, walking, gardening, and knitting for charity. She was a devoted mem

ber and was always in attendance at L'Assomption Cathedral or Christ Roi Roman Catholic Churches. She was known for her warm and giving spirit, a true lady with a caring, humorous and friendly nature.

Irène Bourgeois
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1. Bourgeois, Alphée I430598 Male

Hébert, Anna I430599 Female
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