Généalogie acadienne

Raymond Joseph Comeau

ID : I451386 Male

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Raymond moved to Rusagonis from the "north shore" in 1957. He was the greatest known "oil delivery man" in the Fredericton/Oromocto area for many years. In his younger years he enjoyed hunting and fishing. In the most recent years he enjoyed pl

aying cribbage and attending musical "jam" session in Jemseg and Mazerolle Settlement. He loved watching Hockey Night in Canada especially when the Montreal Canadians were losing. Any job or task he did was always done to perfection whethe

r it was mowing the lawn, washing the car, planting the garden or piling wood. You could always find him "puttering" at something in his shed or yard.

Raymond Joseph Comeau
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1. Comeau, Richard I324218 Male

Guitard, Élizabeth (Marie) I324219 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Cogswell, Phyllis Mary Marguerite I451387 Female
ID : F203975
Type :
Enfants : 4

Comeau, Angie I451389 Female
Comeau, Sherry I451391 Female
Comeau, Shannon I451393 Female
Comeau, Holly I451388 Female

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L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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