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Bernadette Connors
ID : I462506
Cette personne est décédée il y a moins de 250 ans. Pour voir cette fiche, abonnez-vous au compte Premium!
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fter completing her studies at the Provincial Normal School in Fredericton she taught in the Bathurst area and later worked at the Hotel Dieu Hospital in Bathurst. After having brought up her seven children she worked at the Nepisiguit Centennial Library, primarily in the Children's Library. In this capacity she was known to generations of young Bathurst onians as "Mrs Mac" and was remembered fondly for her regular reading during "story hour". She was very involved in the Sacred Heart Catherdral Parish. She was active in a number of organizations including the CWL, the CNIB and the Bathurst Chapters of the Irish and Scottish Cultural Societies. She was particularly active in Aids NB. |
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Bernadette Connors