Généalogie acadienne

Alexis Joseph dit Alex Arseneau

ID : I494431 Male

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Alex graduated from New Brunswick Teachers College in 1955 and taught school in Minto, NB for two years and soon realized he was better suited for another profession.

He then went to work for NB Power for 34 years as a right of way agent and worked his way up the ranks becoming an accredited appraiser holding the title Director of Real Estate for many years.

Alexis Joseph dit Alex Arseneau
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1. Arseneau, Médéric Médric Joseph I52453 Male

Gautreau, Alexina Marie I52451 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Cool, Anne-Marie I494430 Female
ID : F223623
Type :
Enfants : 4
Arseneau, Denis I870840 Male
Arseneau, Rachelle I870841 Female
Arseneau, Ray I870836 Male
Arseneau, Sylvie I870838 Female

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P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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