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David Boudreau
ID : I510754
Cette personne est décédée il y a moins de 250 ans. Pour voir cette fiche, abonnez-vous au compte Premium!
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Naissance |
Décès |
Funérailles |
Note |
After completing his education in Oromocto, David had a full career in the Canadian Armed Forces. His military career spanned twenty one years serving on Her Majesty's Canadian ships as well as numerous shore postings including CFB Goose Bay, Shea rwater, Portage La Prarie, Dundurn (Saskatoon), and Esquimalt (Victoria). David also completed two tours in Cyprus and served in the Gulf war. He retired from the military in 1997 and moved to Fort Qu'Appelle where he was employed by the Parks an d Recreation Department for the past ten years. David enjoyed wood working and he was an avid hunter and also a member of the Fort Qu'Appelle Lions Club. |
1. |
, Dianne
ID : F231261
Type : |
Mariés |
Enfants : |
2 |
Résidence familiale : |
Fort Qu'Appelle, SK, en 2012 |
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Adopté par la mère |
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Individu vivant |
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David Boudreau