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Joseph Paul dit The Kid Jaillet

ID : I520580 Male

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Joe retired in the early 70's after working for CN Railway, winter Port and the City of Saint John summer seasonal. He was a Korean Veteran and a member of the Jervis Bay Legion Branch 53. The Kid cherished his family and his door was always ope

n for anybody in need. He enjoyed working on cars and he was a huge hockey fan and especially loved the Montreal Canadiens.

Joseph Paul dit The Kid Jaillet
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1. Jaillet, Alban dit Sawyer I338452 Male

LeBlanc, Émilia I249058 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. , Myrtle I520581 Female
ID : F236407
Type :
Enfants : 7

Jaillet, Kim I520598 Female
Jaillet, Ann I520592 Female
Jaillet, Alvin I520582 Male
Jaillet, Cathy I520594 Female
Jaillet, Joe I520588 Male
Jaillet, Paula I520596 Female
Jaillet, Linda I520590 Female

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N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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