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Hubert James Ryan
ID : I521019
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Hubert graduated from Carleton University. He had a very successful career with Indian and Northern Affairs Canada where he served for 35 years. He held various positions within that Department namely: Chief, Land Registry and Research Division , Entitlements; Chief, Property and Estate Management; Director of Lands, Revenues and Trusts; Chief, Land Entitlement Division and Registrar of Indian Lands Revenues and Trusts. He held various positions as a negotiator for Native Claims and wa s a federal negotiator on several files He was a dedicated, hard-working employee who had an unparalleled knowledge of the history of Indian Land administration and the complex legal and political issues surrounding them. To this excellent knowled ge, Hubert combined sensitivity to the Indian viewpoint which earned him the trust of the various Indian Bands in Canada. |
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Hubert James Ryan