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Joseph John LeBlanc
ID : I522836
Cette personne est décédée il y a moins de 250 ans. Pour voir cette fiche, abonnez-vous au compte Premium!
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He loved music and playing guitar for his family and friends. He spent many hours enjoying his record collection and loved to share this passion with others. He loved reading, travelling, sports and had a deep interest in many topics. John was emp loyed for 41 years with CNR. As a 3rd generation railroader he began his career as a machinist apprentice while completing his Mechanical Engineering degree at St Mary's university. He worked in a number of positions across Canada and was A.V.P . Supply & Fleet Management when he died. He enjoyed his job and looked forward to work each day. John had a quick intelligence and wonderful sense of humour. Above all else, John loved his wife and sons and spending time with his family. |
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Joseph John LeBlanc