Généalogie acadienne

Roméo Joseph Frédéric Cyr

ID : I527843 Male

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Romeo was a graduate of Université de Moncton and spent his entire 47 year working career with J.D. Irving, Limited.

Romeo began his career on a log drive down the Saint John River where he first met Mr. J.K. Irving.

Shortly thereafter became a manager of a sawmill and ultimately the Vice President, Lumber Sales responsible for selling lumber products worldwide.

Romeo had a reputation for a strong work ethic, supporting his colleagues and doing his absolute best for the company.

Romeo volunteered his time by serving as the President of both the Maritime Lumber Bureau and the Canadian Wood Council.

Roméo Joseph Frédéric Cyr
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1. Cyr, Irénée dit René I529247 Male

McDonald, Élianne I529248 Female
Type : Mariés


1. Hayes, Marlene Mary I527844 Female
ID : F77359
Type :
Enfants : 5
Cyr, Michele I851391 Female
Cyr, Marc I851393 Male
Cyr, Robert I851395 Male
Cyr, Jacques I851389 Male
Cyr, Giselle I851397 Female

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