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Mary Scott
ID : I600696
Cette personne est décédée il y a moins de 250 ans. Pour voir cette fiche, abonnez-vous au compte Premium!
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Note |
After graduating from St. Vincents Girls High School she worked for JD Irving Limited and Irving Equipment for several years. In later years she worked at Peoples Jewellers where she made many lifelong friends. One of her fondest childhood memories was spending summers with her family at Crystal Beach, where she was the only girl on the Scott brothers baseball team. Mary lived life to the fullest, with a great sense of humour and in the company of fami ly and friends. She never wanted to miss a single adventure. Mary enjoyed Sunday dinners with her family and friends and spending time with her three beloved grandchildren. She loved any social gathering, the Saturday morning breakfast club, writ ing poetry and getting together with the gang for afternoon coffee. |
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Mary Scott