Généalogie acadienne

Stanley Mayes Melanson

ID : I621444 Male

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Following his education at Saint John High School, Stan went to work for Standard Brands as a salesman for central and northern New Brunswick, and three years later was transferred to Halifax, NS as a Branch Manager. From there he went to Ottawa

, ON as a Sales Supervisor for northern Ontario, followed by a move to their head office as a Product Manager. Three years later he joined Clairol Canada as Vice-President of Marketing. 16 years later he retired and with his wife, Clarice, returne

d to New Brunswick and their cottage at Harvey Lake, where they spent the summers, while wintering for twenty-two years in Florida, playing golf with his many friends. His greatest pleasure was having his family and grandchildren at the lake, watc

hing them have fun and grow over the years. In 2006, he and his wife moved to Fredericton, thus ending many years of travel throughout Canada, the United States, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Europe, China, New Zealand and Australia, as well as enjo

ying several cruises in the Caribbean, Alaska and the Hawaiian Islands.

Stanley Mayes Melanson
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1. Melanson, Daniel Edward I621442 Male

Jack, Ellen Augusta I621443 Female
Type : Mariés


1. Wilson, Clarice Elinore I621445 Female
ID : F31704
Type :
Enfants : 2
Melanson, Gary I621471 Male
Melanson, Lynn I77182 Female

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Stanley Mayes Melanson
I621444 Male
