Il a grandi à Minto, au N.-B., et était diplômé de lUniversité UNB et de la Dalhousie University, Faculté de dentisterie. Il était marié depuis 48 ans avec Marielle Losier de Tracadie-Sheila, N.-B. Joe a eu de beaux accomplissements tout au long de sa longue pratique de 37 ans, au 99, rue Main, à Dartmouth, et plusieurs de ses patients sont demeurés des amis tout au long de sa vie. Il était reconnu pour sa dévotion et sa gentillesse enver s tous ceux qui lont côtoyé. Il a été courageux jusquà la fin He grew up in Minto, NB and graduated from UNB and Dalhousie University, Faculty of Dentistry. Though there are many wonderful things to mention about his life, he would say his greatest accomplishment was his family. He was blessed with many loyal and devoted friends, many of whom were patients of his through 37 years of practice at 99 Mai n Street, Dartmouth. Joe's devotion and kindness to his patients was evident to all. |