Généalogie acadienne

Lester Joseph Losier

ID : I62801 Male

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Lester moved to St. Stephen with his family when he was five.

Dad had many jobs throughout his career - Ganongs, Nickel Mine, Boat Building, Flakeboard, Tuna Plant, working in Ontario and then he started working towards his pipefitting license.

This trade took him to many job sites and shutdowns all over NB.

He made many friends and connections throughout his pipefitting career.

Lester Joseph Losier
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1. Losier, Joseph George I62802 Male

Vienneau, Laura Mary Veno I62803 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Cormier, Edith Marie dit May I62800 Female
ID : F26446
Type :
Enfants : 6

Losier, Jeannette I67134 Female
Losier, Patsy I67138 Female
Losier, Nancy I67140 Female
Losier, David I67142 Male
Losier, Gary I67143 Male
Losier, Robert I67144 Male

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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