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Robert Charles dit Robbie Thomas

ID : I631263 Male

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He attended Ashbury College (1945) in Ottawa where he excelled at many sports. He was then trained for combat in the Second World War which fortunately ended before his deployment. He graduated from Carleton University and then Osgoode Hall Law Sc

hool (1955).

He practiced law at the firm of Thomas & Winship in Ottawa for many years focusing on estate work and real estate.

Robbie loved his time at the family cottage on Ten Penny Lake where he worked his garden and enjoyed country life. He very much enjoyed his many adventures with his neighbours, Debbie & Andre, and their 2 beloved dogs, Ben & Harley. His endless po

litical conversations with Earl were a highlight to Sunday afternoons.

Robbie spent countless hours volunteering with the hospitals in the Ottawa area. He served as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) and as a director of HIROC (Healthcare Insurance Reciproca

l of Canada). He also played an active role in selecting the Co-Generation plant at the Ottawa Health Sciences Centre.

He started out in local politics as Reeve of Torbolton ON, and was proud to have attended the Liberal leadership convention where Pierre Trudeau was elected leader (which he told Justin Trudeau on his recent trip to Fredericton).

Robert Charles dit Robbie Thomas
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1. Thomas, Léonard I631265 Male

Smith, Alice I631266 Female
Type : Mariés


1. , Rosemary I631264 Female
ID : F60699
Type :
Enfants : 0

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Robert Charles dit Robbie Thomas
I631263 Male
