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Jeffrey dit Heapster Neal Richard
ID : I633093
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Naissance |
Décès |
Funérailles |
Note |
eff was a graduate of St. Stephen High School Class of 1988 and a UNB graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics. This led to a career as a Survey Tech working on the construction of the Confederation Bridge to PEI. After the comple tion of the bridge project, he returned to college in Lawrencetown, NS to further his education in Surveying. He spent many years travelling to locations such as, Massachusetts, Maine, Vancouver, New York, California and Mississippi for differen t bridge construction jobs. After many years of travelling for work he and Shari settled in Saint John, NB where he started a new job with Canada Post. Jeff was an avid rugby player and he especially enjoyed his time playing with the St Stephen "Swines". |
1. |
LeBlanc, Shari
ID : F64563
Type : |
Mariés |
Enfants : |
0 |
Résidence familiale : |
Saint-Jean en 2014 |
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Jeffrey dit Heapster Neal Richard