Généalogie acadienne

Al Hébert

ID : I640457 Male

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He worked as a broadcaster at the former C.K.B.C radio station for 50 wonderful years.

Al's voice was so recognizable in the community that he was often referred to as « The Voice of Bathurst » for over 50 years.

His work experience at C.K.B.C. radio ranged from program director, sports director & manager in 1979.

He also worked for Phantom 103.3, where his signature program « Country Gold » was enjoyed by many.

He received many accolades over his career,

He was named Broadcaster of the Year by his peers in Broadcasting across Canada in 1988;

member of the NB Country Music Hall of Fame in 2001;

as the voice of the Bathurst Alpine Papermakers, broadcasting out of town games for many years.

Al Hébert
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1. Hébert, Arthur Joseph I483591 Male

Chiasson, Marie-Anna I483590 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Mercier, Angie I640458 Female
ID : F85997
Type : Mariés
Enfants : 1
Résidence familiale : Bathurst en 2015 et en 2019

Hébert, Steve I835307 Male

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