Généalogie acadienne

Seneta Marie Mildred dit Nettie Comeau

ID : I656361 Female

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Nettie always approached life with a positive attitude, seeking to grow and to learn and to use her talents at every opportunity throughout her life. She handled adversity with faith, budgeted for a large family with resourcefulness and embrace

d and gave back to her various communities with active participation and enthusiasm. She loved to sew, paint, dance and sing. She had a delightful sense of humour. She came to Moncton as a young girl from the small community of Coal Branch

, NB to work for the Moncton phone company. She later became one of Cecil Peake’s ‘Angels’, for Peake’s Department Store. She was active for many years in the Legion of Mary, sang in the church choir at St. Augustine’s Church - and with continue

d joy - more recently, at People’s Park Tower, where she lived and enjoyed a full community life with the residents and staff.

Seneta Marie Mildred dit Nettie Comeau
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1. Comeau, Arthur Wilfred I307318 Male

Henry, Julia Veronica I307319 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. O'Brien, Raymond Milton I634157 Male
ID : F123774
Type :
Enfants : 5

O'Brien, Kim I656374 Female
O'Brien, Janice I656369 Female
O'Brien, Lawrence dit Larry I656376 Male
O'Brien, Cheryl I656370 Female
O'Brien, Gail I656372 Female

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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Seneta Marie Mildred dit Nettie Comeau
I656361 Female
