Généalogie acadienne

Casilda (Gus) Arsenault

ID : I664742 Female

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A woman of great faith, she left this world shortly after receiving her Lenten Ashes. Casilda was a fighter who made the best of what life dealt her. At an early age,she was diagnosed with the neurological disease Friedreich's Ataxia. Despite thi

s, after graduating high school, she studied in Cornwall ON. and became a medical secretary. She then moved to Fredericton where she worked in her profession for a few years until her disease caused her to stop. But Casilda continued for over twen

ty years volunteering with different organizations in the Fredericton area. In 2005 she decided to return to Jacquet River to be closer to her family. Shortly after, she was diagnosed with cancer which she fought with the same zeal and vigor.

Casilda (Gus) Arsenault
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1. Arsenault, Edgar Charles I664738 Male

Roy, Régina Catherine I664739 Female
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