Généalogie acadienne

Margaret Josephine White

ID : I687569 Female

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At an early age, she moved to Saint John, the city she loved, where she began her 37 year career with NB Tel as a Telephone Operator. She took great pride in her work, and during the war spent many hours connecting phone calls between serviceme

n and their loved ones so they could say goodbye before departing for the war. She had great skills and a tremendous work ethic, and advanced through her career to supervisory positions and eventually to Assistant Chief Operator. She was also awar

ded the NB Tel Pioneer Certificate for her work with the industry-based volunteer organization.

Margaret was a woman of deep faith, a Life Member of the Catholic Women’s League and longtime member of St. Dunstan’s Parish in Fredericton, where she lived in later years.

Margaret Josephine White
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1. White, James Arthur I687564 Male

Mellon, Margaret Ellen I687565 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Michaud, Aurèle Joseph I687570 Male
ID : F219788
Type :
Enfants : 0

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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Margaret Josephine White
I687569 Female
