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George Doucet
ID : I69528
Cette personne est décédée il y a moins de 250 ans. Pour voir cette fiche, abonnez-vous au compte Premium!
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Naissance |
Décès |
Note |
George was born in Bathurst, NB where he and Johanne married in 1957 and raised their family. George worked as a letter carrier in Bathurst. George was an avid outdoors man and worked many week-ends prospecting for different mining companies . In 1975 the family moved to Thunder Bay, ON where George worked for Noranda Mining and Esso Minerals as a technologist. George spent much of his time in the bush, one of his happiest places. If there were lobster in the woods, he would never hav e come home. George suffered a career ending injury which forced him into early retirement. In 1996, George and Johanne moved to BC, first Okanagan Falls and later settling in Penticton where they made many new friends. George enjoyed tinkering wi th computers and was often called upon for assistance and he was always kind enough to help. George was also a big hockey fan and a very knowledgeable one at that. |
Non disponible
1. |
, Johanne
ID : F173337
Type : |
Mariés |
Enfants : |
0 |
Résidence familiale : |
Penticton, C.-B., en 2010 |
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Adopté |
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Adopté par le père |
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Adopté par la mère |
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Parent nourricier |
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Parent par alliance |
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Individu vivant |
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George Doucet