Généalogie acadienne

William Willie Dupuis

ID : I74958 Male

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A Master Stone Masson, he was the proprietor of Dupuis Monuments, Shediac for over 30 years.

He was a retired Second Lieutenant with the Royal Canadian Air Force, member of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #33 Shediac and past president of the Caisse Populaire de Shediac.

He recently celebrated his 100th birthday at the Boishebert Club in Shediac attended by over 250 family and friends.

He loved the sport of boxing, fishing and spending happy winters in Florida with his wife and family.

William Willie Dupuis
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1. Dupuis, Anselme dit Sam I281186 Male

LeBlanc, Marguerite I281185 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Babineau, Rosée Rosie Marie I74957 Female
ID : F30619
Type :
Enfants : 8
Résidence familiale : Cap-de-Shediac en 2009

Dupuis, Bernice I496495 Female
Dupuis, Rachel I496497 Female
Dupuis, Juanita I496486 Female
Dupuis, Claire I496493 Female
Dupuis, Alex I496487 Male
Dupuis, Claudette I496494 Female
Dupuis, Florence I496489 Female
Dupuis, Thomas I496491 Male

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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