Généalogie acadienne

Léo Ernest Arsenault

ID : I750652 Male

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Leo was a Barber in Longlac for 45 years and loved the people he served and his job.

He was actively involved in The Parish of St. John the Baptist for many years, the Knights of Columbus and in the Parish as a Reader and Eucharistic Minister and Parish activities.

In December 1985, he was president of Parish Council and these were his words for the Parish at that time: "May the blessing be that of hope for the people of Longlac, may we continue to grow, to love loyally, to do the right thing and walk humbl

y with our God."

Micah 6:8. He was a trustee for the Geraldton Catholic District School Board for over 25 years. In these last years in Thunder Bay, he has been a member of Kitchitwa Kateri Church and although in no active ministry.

He was appreciated by the community for his presence.

He is a member of Christian Life Community, a lay St. Ignatius community which meets weekly.

Leo liked to fish and visit friends and family.

He especially liked spending time at his camp on Pagwachuan Lake and with family and friends in the area.

Léo Ernest Arsenault
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1. Arsenault, Gérard Isidore Joseph dit Gerry I505622 Male

Lefort, Délima I750647 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Dewey, Sharon I750653 Female
ID : F299614
Type : Mariés
Enfants : 6
Résidence familiale : Thunder Bay en 2013
Mariage Source 13 mars 1965

Arsenault, Shawn I856604 Male
Arsenault, Jonathan I856612 Male
Arsenault, Vaughn I856606 Male
Arsenault, Joel I856613 Male
Arsenault, Glen I856608 Male
Arsenault, Real I856610 Male

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