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Melburn Joseph dit Mel Deveau

ID : I785914 Male

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De métier, il était barbier pendant 40 ans et il a également travaillé chez KFC pendant 48 ans.

Il était particulièrement fier d'être l'employé ayant travaillé le plus longtemps au Canada.

Mel était un sculpteur sur bois accompli, membre de la Nova Scotia Wildlife Carvers and Artists Association.

By trade he was a barber working 40 years, and he also worked at KFC for 48 years.

He was especially proud of being the longest working employee in Canada.

Mel was an accomplished wood carver, belonging to the Nova Scotia Wildlife Carvers and Artists Association.

Melburn Joseph dit Mel Deveau
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1. Deveau, Ulysse I785899 Male

Thériault, Catherine I785900 Female
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