Généalogie acadienne

Ward Leighton Perrin

ID : I838474 Male

Cette personne est décédée il y a moins de 250 ans. Pour voir cette fiche, abonnez-vous au compte Premium!

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Résidence Vancouver, C.-B., en 2016

Source : https://obituaries.telegraphjournal.com/book-of-memories/4000755/ward-perrin/obituary.php?Printable=true

Ward had an outstanding career as a photojournalist beginning with the Brandon Sun, The Province and then finally with the Vancouver Sun.

His love of cameras and photography began in early childhood which led him to work at Gem Photo both in Saint John and Fredericton.

He studied photography at Western Academy of Photography in Victoria, BC.

He was not only an outstanding photojournalist but also an award winning photographer.

Ward Leighton Perrin
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1. Perrin, Percy Andrew I677993 Male

Titus, Patricia I677994 Female
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