Mr. LeBlanc, who had been a fisherman in the United States for many years. It was rather by hobby that he decided to do some lobster fishing during those first weeks. So early in the morning, helped by his brother Avelin and a young boy, Pierre d'Entremont, he had placed the traps on his small. They had a 16 foot boat. To be ready to leave at 10:00, he decided to moor the canoe at his mooring not far from the coast. Avelin did not embark with them. We cannot say that it was windy that day, but the sea was still a little rough. At any case, at a certain moment there came a wave which rolled the canoe on its side. The two fishermen were forced to jump in the sea. They managed to cling to the mooring buoy. The young Pierre held on, but before other fishermen could arrive at the scene, Mr. LeBlanc had let go. He was caught on the trap but it was too late to save him. |