Généalogie acadienne

Phillip John Goguen

ID : I843184 Male

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Phillip was a serviceman for 45 years, having served with the RCAF for three years.

Then she erved with the Canadian Guards, employed as an instructor training new infantry personnel.

He was then posted to CFB Cornwallis where he was an instructor of new recruits.

After retiring in 1986, he was employed with HMCS Acadia as an instructor of Naval Cadets.

He was a member of the Canadian Guards Association and a member of the Royal Canadian Legion in Digby and Bear River.




1. Goguen, John Howard I843183 Male

Winchester, Gladys Lilian I843182 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Oickle, Muriel Frances I843185 Female
ID : F338008
Type :
Enfants : 4
Goguen, Barry I843190 Male
Goguen, Michael I843192 Male
Goguen, Gail I843186 Female
Goguen, Kathy I843188 Female

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N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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