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Émma Fagan
ID : I84413
Cette personne est décédée il y a moins de 250 ans. Pour voir cette fiche, abonnez-vous au compte Premium!
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Note |
In her early years, Emma worked for the Amherst Pant Factory and later, after her marriage to Philip, did the bookkeeping for the family business, P.J. Gagnon's Machine Shop. Emma had a great passion for knitting and crocheting and her finishe d products such as sweaters, mittens, hats and stockings were enjoyed by all of her family and friends. She also enjoyed her flower gardens, both at home and at her cottage in Baie Verte, NB where she spent most of her summers. Emma was a devou t member of St. Charles (Holy Family) Roman Catholic Church. She enjoyed watching the televised daily Mass.. |
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Émma Fagan