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John Henry Richard dit Dick Wedge
ID : I846927
Cette personne est décédée il y a moins de 250 ans. Pour voir cette fiche, abonnez-vous au compte Premium!
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Dick was the pharmacist-owner of the Enman Drug Co. Ltd for 35 years. He was a lifetime member and founder of the Summerside Yacht Club with a keen interest in the Learn to Sail program. He was also a long-term member of the Kinsmen Club, the Coast Guard Auxiliary and founder of the Northumberland Strait Yachting Association. Dick was awarded Senior Islander of the Year award from the Province of PEI in 2014. His favourite sailing adventures were in the Northumberland Strait and his 13 year odyssey from PEI through the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico, onward to Central America and back to Florida to begin the journey back to PEI via the Atlantic Seab oard. |
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John Henry Richard dit Dick Wedge