Généalogie acadienne

Rev Fr Clarence Joseph d'Entremont

ID : I856852 Male

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Born in West Pubnico, the future priest graduated in 1931 from St. Anne's College in Church Point.

He then entered the Sacred Heart Seminary in Charlesbourg, Quebec, a seminary maintained by the Congregation of Jesus and Mary, better known as the Eudist Fathers.

Father d'Entremont was ordained Feb. 9, 1936, by Most Rev. Patrick Chiasson.

Father d'Entremont was sent to Rome for two years of study in canon law at the Angelicum, earning his licentiate degree.

He also studied canon law at Laval University in Quebec and at the Catholic University in Washington, D.C.

He founded the Massachusetts Society of Genealogists in 1975.

Rev Fr Clarence Joseph d'Entremont
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1. d'Entremont, Jacques Gilbert I837597 Male

d'Entremont, Elisabeth Anne I837596 Female
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