Généalogie acadienne

Alfred Joseph dit Al Cormier

ID : I875808 Male

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Al joined the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1942 during WWII.

While in the air force he took up boxing.

Just prior to deployment, Al was seriously injured in a car accident and after a long period of recuperation was honourably discharged.

After the war, Al and a friend hitchhiked to British Columbia where they worked in remote logging camps.

Al eventually moved to Ontario where he completed his trade as a boilermaker and worked in both conventional and nuclear generating plants on construction and shutdowns;

often working in radioactive areas of the facilities.

Alfred Joseph dit Al Cormier
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1. Cormier, Alfred H. I169826 Male

Léger, Anne I82740 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Hudgins, Claire I875809 Female
ID : F351662
Type :
Enfants : 2

Cormier, Billy I875816 Male
Cormier, Alfie I875815 Male

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M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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Alfred Joseph dit Al Cormier
I875808 Male
