Généalogie acadienne

Rita Martin

ID : I902875 Female

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Note Rita a travaillé dur toute sa vie.
Elle a commencé à travailler à un jeune âge dans son magasin familial, le magasin général Martin;
plus tard a acheté un magasin avec son mari qu'ils ont dirigé pendant plus de 30 ans, Babin's Grocery.
Vendant plus tard le magasin à leur fils Gary, qui a continué à diriger le magasin pendant encore 27 ans.
Rita worked hard her whole life.
She started working at a young age at her family store, Martin’s General store;
later purchased a store with her husband which they ran for over 30 years, Babin’s Grocery.
Later selling the store to their son Gary, who continued to run the store for another 27 years.
Rita worked hard her whole life.
She started working at a young age at her family store, Martin’s General store;
later purchased a store with her husband which they ran for over 30 years, Babin’s Grocery.
Later selling the store to their son Gary, who continued to run the store for another 27 years.
Rita Martin
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1. Martin, Patrick I899296 Male

Daigle, Alma Marie I902867 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Babin, Robert I902876 Male
ID : F363145
Type : Mariés
Enfants : 4
Résidence familiale : Saint Agatha, Aroostook County, Maine, É.-U., en 1989
Fiançailles Source vers 1954

Babin, Dana I1011805 Male
Babin o, John I1011807 Male
Babin, Robert dit Bob C. Jr I1011801 Male
Babin, Gary I1011803 Male

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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