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Charles dit Charlie Thomas Owens
ID : I91052
Cette personne est décédée il y a moins de 250 ans. Pour voir cette fiche, abonnez-vous au compte Premium!
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Charlie enlisted in the Carlton York Regiment in 1940 and served overseas in the Second World War in the Royal Canadian Army as a motorcycle dispatch rider in the Third Division Signal Corps L of C. He was badly injured in the war and was Missing in Action for a period of time, but was found and made a full recovery, then returned to his unit for the duration of the war. Charlie re-enlisted after the war to serve in Canadas Arctic in various remote stations as a radio operator with the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals. Charlie eventually re-settled in Moncton and owned and operated his own business, ABCON Industrial Supply, for 25 years. Charlie was a member of the Royal Canadian Legion and was active in the Moncton Minor Hockey Association as both a coach and league coordinator during the 1970s. |
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Charles dit Charlie Thomas Owens