Généalogie acadienne

Normand dit Blackie dit Noir James Daigle

ID : I996458 Male

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Liens Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

He immigrated to Maine in 1951 where he started working for the Bangor and Aroostook Railroad.

The railroad became his lifelong career and he loved to regale his family and friends with stories (sometimes slightly exaggerated) about his experiences on the line.

He retired from the railroad after 36 years of service.

After his retirement he spent many hours volunteering at the Senior Citizens Center in Fort Kent and was always ready to lend a hand to neighbors and friends.

He immigrated to Maine in 1951 where he started working for the Bangor and Aroostook Railroad.

The railroad became his lifelong career and he loved to regale his family and friends with stories (sometimes slightly exaggerated) about his experiences on the line.

He retired from the railroad after 36 years of service.

After his retirement he spent many hours volunteering at the Senior Citizens Center in Fort Kent and was always ready to lend a hand to neighbors and friends.

Normand dit Blackie dit Noir James Daigle
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1. Daigle, Léonide Léonidas I315123 Male

Lang, Délima Rose I315124 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Gagné, Alvine Lucille I78548 Female
ID : F402634
Type :
Enfants : 3
Daigle, Judy I996456 Female
Daigle, George I996460 Male
Daigle, Sharon I78486 Male

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Normand dit Blackie dit Noir James Daigle
I996458 Male
