Acadian Genealogy

Robert dit Babbits N. Belliveau

ID : I1026506 Male

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Note Robert est diplômé de la Gardner High School avec la promotion de 1948 et a fréquenté la Cushing Academy avant d'être enrôlé.
Il était un vétéran de l'armée américaine de la guerre de Corée, servant de 1951 à 1953.
Robert était enclin au sport, il s'est même mis au javelot après que son entraîneur d'athlétisme au lycée lui ait demandé de participer à des compétitions doubles, et il a remporté le championnat d'État.
Il était un athlète de quatre lettres pour le baseball, le basket-ball, le football et l'athlétisme au cours de sa dernière année.
Robert a été agriculteur à l'école Walter E. Fernald et à Lilly Varnish pendant 30 ans jusqu'à sa retraite en 1992.

Robert graduated from Gardner High School with the class of 1948 and attended Cushing Academy before he was drafted.
He was a United States Army Korean War Veteran serving from 1951 to 1953.
Robert was athletically inclined, even taking up javelin after his high school track coach asked him to throw in dual meets, and he went on to win the state championship.
He was a four-letter athlete for baseball, basketball, football, and track and field his senior year.
Robert was a Farmer for the Walter E. Fernald School and Lilly Varnish for 30 years until his retirement in 1992.
Robert graduated from Gardner High School with the class of 1948 and attended Cushing Academy before he was drafted.
He was a United States Army Korean War Veteran serving from 1951 to 1953.
Robert was athletically inclined, even taking up javelin after his high school track coach asked him to throw in dual meets, and he went on to win the state championship.
He was a four-letter athlete for baseball, basketball, football, and track and field his senior year.
Robert was a Farmer for the Walter E. Fernald School and Lilly Varnish for 30 years until his retirement in 1992.
Robert dit Babbits N. Belliveau
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1. Belliveau, Augustin Auguste I242507 Male
Doiron, Marie-Louise I242506 Female
Type :
Date :
Location :


1. Marino, Theresa L I1026507 Female
ID : F416659
Type : Married
Children : 0

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Legend [+]
A Adopted
F Adopted by father
M Adopted by mother
O Foster child
S Step child
L Individual living

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