Acadian Genealogy

Joseph Monfort Eloi Cyr

ID : I1030892 Male

This person passed away less than 250 years ago. To view this person, subscribe to a Premium account!

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Note Il était un vétéran de l'armée américaine qui a servi au Vietnam dans la 173e division aéroportée, gagnant à la fois une étoile de bronze et une Purple Heart.
Il était un inspecteur de chaudières et d'ascenseurs à la retraite pour le service postal des États-Unis et un colonel du Kentucky.
Joe était un membre fidèle de l’église baptiste Living Hope, où il enseignait à la classe de l’école du dimanche pour dames seniors.
Après sa retraite, il a participé à une étude biblique pour hommes le vendredi matin, à laquelle il a assisté fidèlement jusqu'à ce que sa maladie progresse.

He was a United States Army Veteran who served in Vietnam in the 173rd Airborne Division, earning both a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart.
He was a retired boiler and elevator inspector for the United States Postal Service and a Kentucky Colonel.
Joe was a faithful member of Living Hope Baptist Church, where he taught the Senior Ladies Sunday School Class.
After retirement, he joined a Friday morning men's Bible study, which he attended faithfully until his illness progressed.
He was a United States Army Veteran who served in Vietnam in the 173rd Airborne Division, earning both a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart.
He was a retired boiler and elevator inspector for the United States Postal Service and a Kentucky Colonel.
Joe was a faithful member of Living Hope Baptist Church, where he taught the Senior Ladies Sunday School Class.
After retirement, he joined a Friday morning men's Bible study, which he attended faithfully until his illness progressed.
Joseph Monfort  Eloi Cyr
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1. Cyr, Octave I986834 Male
Sirois, Eva Marie I986835 Female
Type :
Date :
Location :


1. Hargrove, Carol I1030893 Female
ID : F418749
Type : Married
Children : 4
Marriage Source Approx 1980

Cyr, Justin I1030897 Male
Cyr, Travis I1030899 Male
Cyr, Deric I1030894 Male
Cyr, Wendy I1030896 Female

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A Adopted
F Adopted by father
M Adopted by mother
O Foster child
S Step child
L Individual living

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