Généalogie acadienne

Philippe Bernier

ID : I110715 Male

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He was a mechanic and operated Bernier’s Esso and in 1974 became the owner and operator of Bernier’s General Trucking. He finished his career as a school bus driver for both School Boards in Bathurst until his retirement in 1997.

He was a Lifetime member of the Knights of Columbus. He enjoyed doing carpentry projects, boating and spending time at his camp and cottage with his family and friends.

Philippe Bernier
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1. Bernier, Hector Joseph I365611 Male

Boudreau, Nora Laura Celina I365612 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Roy, Alice I110716 Female
ID : F43312
Type : Mariés
Enfants : 7
Résidence familiale : Bathurst en 2009 et en 2013
Mariage 3 juillet 1954
Bathurst, N.-B.

Bernier, Annette I110726 Female
Bernier, Louis I110721 Male
Bernier, Suzanne I110728 Female
Bernier, Éric I110722 Male
Bernier, Louise I110730 Female
Bernier, Colette I110724 Female
Bernier, Kenneth I110717 Male

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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