Acadian Genealogy

Paul Sinclair Doiron

ID : I216714 Male

This person passed away less than 250 years ago. To view this person, subscribe to a Premium account!

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Paul had recently retired from working with Logistec Stevedoring for over 30 years in Saint John and was an active member of the business community, serving as a board of director with several local and international organizations, and was a membe

r of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Rothesay. Paul and Aurella loved to travel the world, and found great joy in spending time with their grandchildren. A fiercely dedicated family man, Paul brought joy to all those around him and will be mi

ssed dearly by everyone who knew him.

Paul Sinclair Doiron
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1. Doiron, Francis Philip dit Frank I216498 Male

Kane, Frances Elizabeth I216764 Female
Type :


1. Caissie, Aurella Marie I216632 Female
ID : F168971
Type : Married
Children : 2
Family residence : Saint-Jean en 2010

Doiron, Paul I216944 Male
Doiron, Curtis I216633 Male

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A Adopted
F Adopted by father
M Adopted by mother
O Foster child
S Step child
L Individual living

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