Acadian Genealogy

Ferdinand Albert

ID : I222394 Male

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The industrial legacy of the Albert family began when a young man named Ferdinand Albert (1864-1929) emigrated from the province of New Brunswick, Canada to the city of Westbrook, Maine. Ferdinand was the son of Leandre Albert and Phoebee Pouli

n of Caraquet. Like so many other French Canadian individuals and families in the late nineteenth century, thoughts of a more prosperous life compelled Ferdinand to leave Canada. The 1881 Census of Canada listed Ferdinand as a sixteen-year-old far

mer's son. A few years later, he would decide to redirect his destiny from agriculture in his homeland to industry in a new land. Descended from many generations of fishermen, and later farmers, Ferdinand made his way from Canada, c.1887. (Sourc

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Ferdinand Albert
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1. Albert, Léandre I152444 Male

Paulin, Phoebée I152445 Female
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