Généalogie acadienne

Nicolas Meusse-D'Entremont

ID : I238319 Male

Naissance avant 24 août 1572

Father d'Entremont, a Catholic priest of Nova Scotia, had done most of the research into the "Meuse" and "d'Entremont" families. 

He traced the connection to Huguenot leader Gaspard de Coligny as follows:

"De Coligny's German interpreter and right hand man was a German Protestant named Nicolas Musse. 

When De Coligny's was thrown out of a high window by an angry mob in the Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre, becoming the first casualty, his sidekick Musse became the second.  

This left De Coligny's widow, Jacqueline Countess d'Entremont, charged with raising the orphan children of Nicolas as well as her own. 

She adopted them, and the Musse children added d'Entremont to their name and grew up as Frenchman. 

It appears that Philippe Mius d'Entremont, who was titled "Procureur du Roi" and "Baron de Pobomcoup" was a grandson of this Nicolas Musse and a son of one of the Musse d'Entremont children adopted by de Coligny's wife Countess Jacqueline d'Entre


William Meuse

Dumfries, Virginia, USA.

Dated 08 October 2000.

(Ref.: gracieuseté de M. Réginald McCaie)


1. Musse, Nicolas I238321 Male

, Jéhanne I238322 Female
Type : Mariés


1. Coligny, Béatrice I238320 Female
ID : F96410
Type : Mariés
Enfants : 1

Mius, Philippe I12524 Male 14 novembre 1601 - vers 1700

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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Arbre ascendant

Nicolas Meusse-D'Entremont
(1572 - ?) I238319 Male
, Jéhanne
I238322 Female
